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Routine plan - For toddler & mums.

Updated: Aug 1, 2021

We all need routine, Routine gives a sense of safety specially to a kid knowing what comes next. With pandemic, toddlers' routine needs to be well planned so that both of you have a smooth day which is productive too. So here is my small routine planned for myself and my kid which works out pretty well for us.

Choose a routine and stick to it.

It takes around 21 days for a new habit to set in. So planning a routine and sticking to it helps it in becoming a part of your life. Of course you need to be flexible at the start to accommodate their interest and sleep habits. But it may take couple of days for a healthy routine to become a part of your life.

Morning routine

We love our morning routine, its filled with lots of hugs, kisses and snuggles just waking up and I think its the best time of our day. On waking up we take a small morning walk around our apartment and come back for bath and breakfast. It helps both of us to feel refreshed and ready to start the day.

For mothers - I do my best to wake up an hour before my son wakes up.

  • 20 Min - Yoga / stretching

  • 20 Min - Morning Pages ( Journaling , planning my day , just write )

  • 20 Min - Tea time and some music

  • 10 Min - Planner update ( Tiny change planner breaks down big goals into doable tasks )

Ideally I try to wake up 2 hours before the baby to get some professional tasks done relating to my work but everything totally depends on if he has slept on time the night before.

Get out of the house

By 9- 10 AM our morning routine is done. So after that I try to get him out of the house for a play date, grocery shopping or just a small car ride. And don't forget to get ready for the day.. yes no PJ's. Getting ready gives all of us a sense of joy however small but it puts you in a right frame of mind.

Activity Time

So after our small outdoor adventure we are back with some fun activates.

Monday - Painting

Tuesday - Clay

Wednesday - Crayons

Thursday - Arts & crafts together

Friday - Make a mess ( kitchen supplies )

Saturday - Paint with leaves and flowers

Kids are naturally creative and I carefully plan out each day for him. Layout of the planned activity is done in such a way that he is free to choose on his own. I remind myself not to interfere and encourage him to make his choices as much as possible. I have to hold my urge to correct his drawings or painting and let it be the way he creates it.

For Mothers - This time is best utilized by having some self creative time for oneself. Sit next to them , draw or paint too because kids imitate you.

Screen Time

Yes, I do give him some screen time. 20-30 mins in the morning and 20-30 mins in the evening.

For Mothers - I use this time to have a small tea break and work a little bit on my professional commitments. Over a period of time, I have realized that instead of sitting for hours while neglecting other responsibilities, such small work time help me to be more productive while giving all the usual mundane tasks their due. Its crucial to balance motherhood and self too

Lunch & Nap Time

I make sure we all sit together and eat our lunch. I prefer sitting on the floor with him on a small Chattai ( Handwoven carpet ) which I carry everywhere so that he knows that its his time to sit down for his meal. When he was younger, I used a high chair ( Life saver !! trust me !!)

For mothers - I found that my kids afternoon nap time is the best time for me too work on my projects as I usually get 1-2 hrs which is good enough to finish major portion of my work. I am even writing this blog as my son is taking his afternoon nap.

Evening Routine

Everyday is an adventure and I always plan to incorporate this in our evening routine. It need not be anything big but just a small walk/drive on a new road , visiting a new park or just observing a flower and playing with it. It might sound trivial but having done this day in and day out I have realized that it gives such a sense big of belonging with the nature and with kids around, we remember how beautiful nature is all around us

Family reading time- We love to read.. Every evening for 30- 40 Minutes I take out a few of his books ( not all ) and lay them out in front of him to choose. I have that realized with toys and books, when they are in front of us all the time we tend to appreciate them less. Hence, I have started recycling all his toys and books so that he remains interested in all of them.

We sit and read.. At times I read out loud and get into the magical world of fantasy and at times leave him to it and read on my own.

Alone Time / Play Time

Before bed time we all have some alone time. He chooses to play with his toys on his own and I leave him to it.

For mothers - I take a small break or go for a 20 Min walk. Once I am back, I try to finish any of my pending tasks. Having my own business gives me time to plan and work accordingly and I set out 2-3 task ( doable and practical ).

Bed time routine

I used to find myself too tired and frustrated when my son would take a lot of time to sleep. Then I realized this is how it would be and I rather get used to it and make the best of it. So few things

  • Chamomile tea

  • Bed time story reading as family

  • Telling 3 beautiful things that my son did and how much I loved it.

  • Silent gratitude for the precious time that we got to spend.

This changed my life in a big way. I started appreciating everything around me even more and grew calmer. Our days have their ups and down but I try to make everyday a bit more special.

As a full time mother and artist I document my days as a therapy and it gives me immense joy. If you wish for your days to be documented book your session with me


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